Epic todays for wild tomorrows

About the App

Developed by avid outdoorsmen and brothers-in-law Dom and Matt, along with their wives, Wild Shepherd is a new app and your ultimate wingman in the backcountry. It’s a hybrid GPS app and citizen science tool that helps you provide valuable information to fish and wildlife managers while silently integrating into your active adventures. It’s good for you, and great for conservation.


Auto Pin Drop

You've got a monster bull elk in your sights, you squeeze off a shot - BOOM - a GPS pin drops at the sound of your gunshot. No need to bust out the flagging tape. Just sit down and enjoy that adrenaline, baby.

GPS Data Sharing

The points you mark during your adventures are all stored locally on your smartphone. If you also use GaiaGPS, you can now export points from us to them in-app, without the need for texting or email!

Personal Harvest Database

Who doesn't like a good ol' fashioned trophy room? You can look back in a simplified way at the fish and game you've had the privilege to take home.

Offline Mapping

Because we've been there. There's no buzz kill like an "acquiring satellites..." buzz kill. So make your own offline maps and buzz on, you buzzy buzzers, you.

No Joke User Privacy

We don't mess around. Your personal info is yours and we intend to keep it that way. All personally identifying information is scrubbed from your GPS data before use for research. Choose what you want to share, everything else stays with you.

Wildlife Management

Behind the scenes, GPS points that you tag as fish or wildlife are submitted to a central database only accessible by the developers and vetted wildlife professionals. Jane and John Doe won't see your points and you won't see theirs.

We Get It

We hunt and fish and love the outdoors just as much as you do. That’s why we’ve created an app with a level of integrity that would make Honest Abe tip his hat – fish and wildlife professionals receive your wildlife data, but the general public can’t see your pins. What good does sharing your no-fail fishing hole with a million strangers do for conservation? How about your favorite glassing ridge or running trail? That’s right, NO GOOD. And if it’s not good for conservation, Wild Shepherd isn’t doing it. It’s that simple.

Citizen Science Already at Work

Cyclists and runners throughout the U.S. can sign up for a wildlife connectivity project where they report roadkill they find. This project has helped bring wildlife managers and transportation planners together to identify roadkill hotspots, wildlife migration patterns, and inform decisions about where wildlife over or under passes should be located.
Down Under, a sanitation worker discovered a new species of peacock spider when he was hiking one of his favorite trails. He snapped a photo, and uploaded it to Flickr and was soon informed that he'd discovered a new species! He even had a short movie made about him (link below).
Worldwide, teams of citizen scientists monitor the health of local water bodies. These efforts have led to both more stringent policies regarding pollutants and discharge, and alerted local officials to contaminated drinking water.

but, Why Citizen Science?

Simply put, there are more of us than there are wildlife and fisheries biologists. Biologists often work in centralized locations and are outnumbered by the sheer volume of wildlife, nor can they get out to the remote places you like to play. So by “crowd sourcing” the data they need, it brings the power of science to the people, and the power of people to science. Even if you’re not a scientist by trade, your observations can lead to new discoveries, hunting and fishing opportunities, inform public policy, or even save an entire species. The impact is real, but we need your help to make it so!

Meet the team

Founder, Dom Totino is a veteran Air Force Officer who now identifies with the “adult-onset sportsmen” crowd. With degrees in both Geospatial Science and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Dom brings an appreciation for good data and the intent to get that data to work for the benefit of conservation. While attending the Air Force Academy, he met his future wife who actually introduced him to (and regularly schools him in) angling. In exchange, Dom arranged a 200 mile backpacking trip through the Sierra Nevada Mountains for their honeymoon. They have 2 young sons, who are constant reminders of the need to preserve our natural resources for future generations.

Co-Founder, Matt Bowman is a 6th generation Nevadan who grew up hunting and fishing on Nevada’s vast public lands. Now a father of 4 (soon to be 5) Matt recognizes the importance of conservation and maintaining healthy populations of wildlife for his kids and all future generations to enjoy. A graduate from the University of Nevada, Matt has worked in corporate finance for about 10 years. Matt has also served as a Board Member of the Nevada Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers for the last year and a half. 

Benefits of yoga

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Wanna test it out?

Sign up to join our Beta Test and you can be one of the first to get your hands on this sweet sweet goodness. All we need is your name and a good email address so we can contact you when we’re ready! 

Bey-da  Test

A “Beta Test” is a development process where a bunch of users get to try something out (in this case, our app) before it is released to the public. This way appropriate adjustments can be made before a final and glorious unveiling to the world! You want in??